Buy Where The Professionals Buy - Dickens Turf & Landscape Supply

When you’re looking for a variety of high-quality turf fertilizers you can count on, you’ll have met your match with our products here at Dickens Supply. We’re proud to offer a generous selection of fertilizers for every season, including warm and cool season turfs. Additionally, our staff is highly knowledgeable about all things turf-related, so you can feel confident that you’re in good hands. In fact, most of our staff has a turf or landscape background, such as golf course superintendents, Tennessee category 3 chemical applicators, and other landscape industry professionals who can guide you through making a plan that’ll work for your lawn.

When you’re ready to check out all of the products that we offer, stop by one of our convenient locations in Middle and Eastern Tennessee. In addition to fertilizer, turf supplies, and other lawn equipment, we’re also proud to offer soil testing. This will help us learn about your soil structure so we can create a customized plan for your lawn care.

Our fertilizer bags are most always 50 lb. bags

Most of our granular fertilizers treat 200 lb. per acre

We Offer Soil Testing:

If your soils ph isn’t right, your lawn can’t utilize the fertilizer that you give it. A soil test tells about the unique structure of your soil. From there we can create a custom plan tailored to your soil's composition.

Please contact us at any of our ten locations to schedule an appointment today!

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