Maintain Your Lawn’s Health

Chemicals play an important part in the lifecycle of your lawns. Whether you’re a discerning homeowner or commercial landscaper, it is essential to treat your property with the appropriate chemicals to ensure health, wellness, and beautification of your lawn. With a wide variety of herbicides, fungicides, and humic acids, we have everything you need to keep your greenery looking great. We are proud to sell a wide selection of the absolute safest chemical in the industry. Browse our offering below or stop by one of our ten locations across Tennessee to pick up the chemicals you need. We serve everybody from golf course operators to sod farmers – we’re sure to have a solution perfect for you. We look forward to serving you!

With the topics of chemicals, this is an area where our staff really shines at Dickens. Many of our employees have a landscape, golf or sports field background. We have personally worked with these products for years with success.

When choosing the product there are many factors to consider.

Target weed: What kind of lawn you have, outside temperature, application method and surroundings are just a few variables.

Application rate: An important variable. Jug A may be half the price of Jug B, but the price to treat an acre with Jug A may cost double because the application rate may be higher. Application rate is where our product knowledge comes in! We are happy to help you whether you are just treating your lawn, or you have 600 acres worth of home lawns to treat.

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