
Crary BearCat
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Wheeled Vacuum
A Crary® Bear Cat® Wheeled Vacuum is a great way for homeowners, commercial crews, or municipalities to quickly and efficiently pick up leaves, grass, or other light debris. With a variety of engines available and either push or 3-speed, self-propelled drive options, there’s a Wheeled Vacuum that will fit your job.

Standard features for each model include five different height settings for easy pick-up on any type of terrain, a 56-gallon capacity quick dump bag, adjustable handle bars with cushion grip, a five-blade radial fan that delivers more CFM than any other competitor vacuum and easy-to-maneuver 12" x 2.5" rubber tires with ball bearing hubs.

A variety of options are available for each model including extra bags, a hose kit for hard-to-reach areas, pivoting casters for easy maneuvering on hard surfaces, and a nozzle wear plate.

CE compliant model available.
WV190 Features:
•  Engine: Briggs & Stratton® Professional Series
•  Gross HP: 6
•  Displacement: 190cc
•  Starter Type: Recoil
•  Drive: Push
•  Fan Rotor: 5 blade steel
•  Bag Capacity: 56 gallons
•  Weight: 113 lbs.
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